Thursday 15 January 2015

A study of Tab Gandhak Rasayan on shushka Vicharchika( Dry Eczema)

Title:- A study of  Tab Gandhak Rasayan on shushka Vicharchika( Dry Eczema)
          Dr. Sanjaykumar Gunjal had submitted his dissertation to Pune University in 1999 for the P.G. degree M.D. (Kaya Chikitsa). His guide was Dr. A. V. Prabhu & Research center was Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik.
(M.S.) India.
          Dr. Sanjaykumar Gujal in his research work tried to study effect of Gandhak Rasayana on dry Eczema (Shushka vicharchika).
          For this study the drug Gandhak Rasayana is prepared by giving only bhavana of different aushadi dravya & mardan sanskara. Gandhak rasayan vati was given in the dose of 500 mg in two divided doses per day with equal amount of sita means sugar for twenty one consecutive days. 30 patients were included in present study.
 Assessment criteria was as follows-
a)      Discolouration (Vaivarnya)  – i) Grade 0 = absent,
ii) Grade 1 = Slight blackness,
iii) Grade 2 = medium blackness,
iv) Grade 3 = Moderate blackness,
v) Grade 4 = dark blackness.
b)    Itching ( Kandu) -         i) Grade 0 = Absent,
         ii) Grade 1 = occasional,
                                          iii) Grade 2 = Not disturbing work,
         iv) Grade 3 = disturbing work,
                                           v) Grade 4 = disturbing sleep
c)     Burning sensation (Daha) - i) Grade 0 = Absent,
                                                      ii) Grade 1 = occasional,   
       iii) Grade 2 = Whole day or night but mild,
       iv) Grade3= Whole day or night but moderate,
       v) Grade 4 = Whole day and night

d)    Pain ( Ruja) -       i) Grade 0 = Absent,
ii) Grade 1 = occasional,
                             iii) Grade 2 = Whole day or night but mild,
iv) Grade 3 = Whole day or night but moderate,
v) Grade 4 = Whole day and night
e)     Sparshasahatva - - i) Grade 0 = Absent,
ii) Grade 1 = occasional,  
                                  iii) Grade 2 = mild,
iv) Grade 3 = moderate,
v) Grade 4 = Very painful.

Study was concluded as follows

After giving Tab Gandhak rasayan  250 mg  BD with equal amount of sita means sugar for 3 weeks was  very effective in treating Dry Eczema (kaphapradhan vicharchika ) in 90% patients .

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