Thursday 15 January 2015

Single blind study of efficacy of Darvi Kashaya in Bahupitta kamala with special reference to serum bilirubin levels.

Title:- Single blind study of efficacy of Darvi Kashaya in Bahupitta kamala with special reference to serum bilirubin levels.

          Dr. Mangesh Nalkande had submitted his dissertation to Pune University in 2007 for the P.G. degree M.D. (Kaya Chikitsa). His guide was Dr. Sadanand V. Deshpande & Research center was Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune (M.S.) India.

          Dr. Nalkande in his research work tried to assess efficacy of Darvi   decoction in Jaundice (Bahupitta) Kamala with special reference to serum bilirubin levels. Darvi decoction was prepared as per textual reference.

          For the clinical trials study design was randomized single blind controlled. 40 patients were included in study. Two groups of patients having bahupitta kamala were prepared.

Group A --  was given Darvi kashaya

Group B  -- was given Erandapatra kashaya orally

Both in the dose of 60 ml. Time of administration of drug was 6to7a.m. Duration of treatment was 21 days.

          Assessment was done with the help of subjective gradation of symptoms as follows-  i) No symptoms = Nil/grade 0,
ii) Low symptoms = grade 1,
iii) Moderate symptoms = grade 2,
iv) Severe symptoms = grade 3.
Objective criteria were Serum Bilirubin, SGPT, and SGOT.

          The study was concluded as follows –

Darvi kashaya 60 ml in the early morning with madhu for 3 weeks , was  very effective in Bahupitta kamala ( Jaundice ) & reduces the serum bilirubin level within a shorter time period in Bahupitta kamala.

          Darvi acts on liver cells detoxification of exogenous and endogenous toxins is done by it. Dramatic reduction in hepatomegaly is observed. Darvi decoction taken in excess quantity caused hrullasa & Chhardi.

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